Rental Criteria

Spring View MHP Rental Criteria

Please review the following rental criteria, if you are interested please feel free to send a text message to schedule a showing. Keep in mind you must meet the following standards to qualify for a rental in our community. All applicants are screen on the same standards.

• $40 Non-Refundable Application Fee (Any person older than 18 must file a separate application) 

• Employment Requirements: Employment history should reflect two months with current employer and/or six months with previous employer. Recent graduates must provide proof of enrollment or graduation. Self-employed applicants must provide a current CPA-prepared financial statement or most recent tax return. Two months of paycheck stubs or bank statements showing deposits must be turned in with the application. 

• Income Requirements: The combined net income of all persons living in the rental must be three times the monthly rental rate.

• Rental History: Applicants must provide name, address and dates of tenancy of previous landlords for two years. An application will not be approved if there are any previous evictions, defaults in lease agreements, untimely rental payments or outstanding balances owed to another apartment community.

• Credit History: Must have good credit. If any utility bills (including Internet) or cellphone service are in collections your application will be denied. 

• Criminal History: Although applicants will be asked to disclose any prior arrests, convictions or pending criminal actions of all anticipated occupants, this information will not be reviewed until after the applicant has had credit and references checked and approved. A criminal background check will be conducted. Failure to disclose criminal information as requested is grounds for denial. Arrests will not, in themselves, be grounds for denial but may be factors used along with other criteria. Pending criminal actions may be grounds for denial but will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Convictions of any sort will be evaluated on an individualized basis. Persons who are listed on any sex offender list will not be considered. Persons who have a criminal conviction relating to manufacture or distribution of controlled substances will generally be denied. In review of criminal history, management will consider the nature and severity of the crime, along with how much time has passed since the criminal activity and/or the release from any imprisonment, parole, or probation. it is unlikely that the following persons will be accepted: persons convicted of other drug related offenses who have not provided evidence of completed drug rehabilitation; persons who have convictions relating to serious crimes involving violence, gang activity, arson, and injury to persons. Also persons who have been recently released from prison, parole, or probation may be required to provide additional information and references. Applicants may provide mitigating information. Applicants denied due to criminal history may appeal that decision by providing such appeal in writing along with any information that applicant desires to provide.

• Students: Full-time students can qualify with written verification of financial aid, parental support, scholarships and/or supplemental savings equal to 12 months of rental payments.

• Maximum Occupancy: 5 persons/2 bedroom; 7 persons/3 bedroom.

• Pets: Pets are allowed with a good rental reference and a fee. Pets must be spayed/neutered. $250 pet deposit ea. required, plus $20 per pet each month. Breed restrictions (because of insurance): Pit Bulls & Staffordshire Terriers, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, Chows, Great Danes, Presa Canarios, Akitas, Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies, Wolf-hybrids are not allowed.

• Utilities: If you are approved, keys will only be released after you have put Logan City (power, garbage, sewer) and Dominion (gas) into your name, starting on the day you plan to move in. Please bring a statement from Logan City with your new address on it to the lease signing. Logan City sometimes requires a $100 deposit. Spring View MHP pays for lawn care.

Logan City Utilities: 435-716-9208 Dominion Energy: 800-323-5517

• Deposit: Deposit is always the same as rent. 80% of your deposit is refundable. The $250 lease initiation fee is non-refundable and is applied to administration fees. 

Spring View Mobile Home Park is committed to equal housing opportunity. We do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status or national origin.

Application Checklist:

  • $40 application fee paid directly through our rental portal
  • Please complete an application for each person 18 or older
  • ID photocopied by manager
  • Two months of paycheck stubs or bank statements showing deposits

Fill out an online application and then text me to schedule a showing (435) 200-5595. If you are interested in the unit, I will need the application fee, and two months of paycheck stubs or bank statements.

Property Manager, 

Pablo A.

Rental Application

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